Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of yoga and physiology. Students will learn about the history and philosophy of yoga, the anatomy and physiology of the body, and the physical and mental benefits of yoga practice. Through lectures, readings, and hands-on practice, students will gain an understanding of the physical and mental aspects of yoga and how they can be applied to their own lives. The course will also explore the relationship between yoga and health, and how yoga can be used to improve physical and mental wellbeing.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled English
Created by Earl Jackson
Last updated Tue, 14-May-2024
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Course overview

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of yoga and physiology. Students will learn the basics of yoga, including the history, philosophy, and practice of yoga. They will also explore the anatomy and physiology of the body, including the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Additionally, students will learn about the benefits of yoga, including improved flexibility, strength, and balance. Through lectures, readings, and hands-on activities, students will gain an understanding of the physical and mental benefits of yoga and how to apply them to their own lives. By the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of the science behind yoga and how to use it to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

What will i learn?

  • Students will be able to identify and explain the basic principles of yoga and physiology.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the correct postures and breathing techniques for yoga.
  • Prerequisites: Students must have a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology.
  • Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to the practice of yoga and its physiological effects on the body. Students will learn the fundamentals of yoga postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.
Curriculum for this course
10 Lessons 01:12:04 Hours
Introduction to course
5 Lessons 00:57:18 Hours
  • Cell Signaling and Stress
  • Yoga Practice: Gentle Yoga for Mindfulnes
  • Principles of Objective Setting
  • Yoga to Create Cell Health
  • Genes in Action
5 Lessons 00:14:46 Hours
  • Field of Epigenetics
  • Genetics and Epigenetics
  • Yoga and Genetics
  • Nervous System Cells and Neurotransmitters
  • Functions of the Nervous System

Frequently asked question

What is Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology?
Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology is a course designed to provide students with an understanding of the physical and mental benefits of yoga and how it can be used to improve overall health and wellbeing. The course covers topics such as anatomy, physiology, and the practice of yoga, as well as the history and philosophy of yoga.
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for students who are interested in learning more about the physical and mental benefits of yoga and how it can be used to improve overall health and wellbeing
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